Tempered glass jar and low 230 ml
Sale priceFrom 13.00 ₪
Tempered glass jar 360 ml
Sale priceFrom 15.00 ₪
צנצנת זכוכית עם מכסה 160 מ"ל
Sale price15.00 ₪
500 ml blue jar with a transparent lid.
Sale priceFrom 18.00 ₪
Yogurt jar for making candles with cork stopper 190 ml
Sale price14.00 ₪
Black metal jar 240 ml
Sale price15.00 ₪
White porcelain vessel, diameter 12 cm
Sale priceFrom 25.00 ₪
Black jar 180 ml + black lid.
Sale priceFrom 15.00 ₪
500 ml blue jar with a transparent lid.
Sale priceFrom 18.00 ₪
Amber glass jar 250 ml black lid.
Sale priceFrom 12.00 ₪
250 ml transparent jar with aluminum lid.
Sale price16.00 ₪
300 ml transparent jar.
Sale priceFrom 16.00 ₪